Wednesday, February 11, 2009

please pass the salt.

i love community. i will forever be blessed to be a part of the one that i am in now. but i have had thoughts, as of late, that i might be hiding in this community; scared to pick up my feet and take that first step into a world that is different. i was always somewhat self-conscious in high school and college when someone would ask me to think about one of my non-christian friends that i could be praying for or investing in. well, what if i don't have any? am i sheltering myself inside of like-minded community and avoiding the discomfort or pain that i might face in the "real" world?

Jesus says we are the salt and light of the world. so how am i bringing light to dark places or offering flavor to conversations with those that don't know Christ? i know, without a doubt, that redcloud is where the Lord has chosen to use me at this time and i don't, and won't, discount the blessing that is living in encouraging, admonishing Christian community. i have been challenged to grow in my knowledge and relationship with Christ, as well as in my role of ministry. but i want to be courageous enough to step away from this from time to time and be the salt and light that, as a follower of Christ, i am called to be.


Megan Sandoz said...

Stick with that pursuit girl! Know that I am on that path with you. Love you, Megan

The Burgess family said...

I have the same feelings about isolating ourselves in the like-minded Redcloud community. But, not to worry! there are many people in the local town who are in need of some salt! We need to keep that in mind and reach out to be a light in our town.